作者acchiang (Alan)
標題[情報] Sauber宣布前法拉利體育總監Rueda擔任體
時間Wed Oct 30 18:25:58 2024
索伯賽車運動宣布與法拉利體育總監 Inaki Rueda簽約,繼續為向奧迪的過渡做準備。
在奧迪於 2026 年加入新技術法規之前,這家總部位於欣維爾的車隊將作為 Stake F1 參加
2024 和 2025 賽季的比賽,前法拉利車隊領隊馬蒂亞·比諾托(Mattia Binotto) 在今年
Sauber Motorsport has announced the signing of Ferrari sporting director Inaki R
ueda as it continues to prepare for the transition to Audi.
The Hinwil-based outfit it competing in the 2024 and 2025 seasons as Stake F1 be
fore Audi enters for the new technical regulations in 2026, with former Ferrari
team principal Mattia Binotto starting as chief technical and chief operating of
ficer earlier this year in a reshuffle in which former McLaren boss Andreas Seid
l departed.
As it continues its development and re-building phase, the team has now secured
the services of Rueda as sporting director after previous spells at Jordan, Rena
ult and Lotus before he joined Ferrari, rising to sporting director.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/FORMULA1/M.1730283965.A.291.html
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