https://t.co/Oict7OWSQc Jurgen Klinsmann was fired as head coach of the South Korean men's national foot ball team Friday, days after the country suffered a disappointing exit at the to p Asian tournament. The Korea Football Association (KFA) said it informed Klinsmann of its decision to sack him following a 2.5-hour meeting held by its president, Chung Mong-gyu, with other senior executives. 南韓足協確定把他開除了 他本人也早在稍早在推特發感謝文 https://i.imgur.com/DGnoOeY.jpg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/FAPL/M.1708061318.A.EF4.html
sammyymmas: 賺爛 感謝抖內 02/16 13:31
tim1112: 賺到解約金了,爽啊 02/16 13:35
Turas: 爽賺 02/16 13:38
jabari: 賺賺賺 02/16 13:48
wu21607: 以後應該都禁止入境了吧 02/16 14:04
Kroner: 樓上UC2當糖吃,天天走拿飛 02/16 14:04
AhCheng: 賺爽爽 02/16 15:04
micbrimac: 看到Jurgen 抖了一下 02/16 15:15
toolin: 解約金真香 02/16 15:22
qaisgood: 賺翻 02/16 16:16
Kroner: 關節痛這種東西靠UC2就對了 02/16 16:16
starchiang: 是不是暗爽? 02/16 18:51
pf775: 以後誰還敢找他當教練啊 02/16 20:24