看板 KoreanPop
231111-1228 MBC IT's LIVE (Band LIVE) Rocking doll Roa - LIAR https://youtu.be/ABCHN54LOvo
verycoybunny - NOW OR NEVER https://youtu.be/CLOR6I40Wsc
Choi Ingyeong - Dear. https://youtu.be/vBio4Lt60ak
WHIB - BANG! https://youtu.be/NK3dnswEdPE
VIVIZ - MANIAC https://youtu.be/wDIHcWV6rZE
JUNGSOOMIN - With You https://youtu.be/N2J40J8QqYc
CRAVITY 宇璸 - The Snowman https://youtu.be/pxKJK_KyaFI
AMPERS&ONE - On And On https://youtu.be/I_7f6gmnWPQ
KISS OF LIFE - Bad News https://youtu.be/GBzoOs45C7I
ENHYPEN - Still Monster https://youtu.be/w-3CCXGeNvg
CRAVITY - MEGAPHONE https://youtu.be/WeMYkwfyi5c
方藝潭 - Only One https://youtu.be/v5M_AkMWmqs
Queenz Eye - THIS IS LOVE https://youtu.be/zV3BISe4cj8
Silica Gel - APEX https://youtu.be/hZ0X_LDHB78
KO EUN SUNG - Hell to your doorstep https://youtu.be/j1IowHsnRE4
XG - WINTER WITHOUT YOU https://youtu.be/T13HAnDP0Ww
NCT 127 - Be There For Me https://youtu.be/folwt8LEiWk
cr.it's Live -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/KoreanPop/M.1703757168.A.C86.html
statice116: 推VIVIZ - MANIAC 12/29 02:02